the problem with next door UNCLE!
listening to : Diffuser - I Wonder
mood : getting less bored.. hey this thing does help!
ok.. this is a story of me and one faithful day I went to ashraf's house.. and his uncle came over..
as usual.. me and my two guyfriends always hang out at ashraf's place at nights for guitar playing.. (as if we don't have enough time with each other masa petang).. I had some work to do that night.. so I had to eat dinner pretty late.. just when I thought I could peacefully eat my tinned can szechuan soup.. shahir had to call me and invite me to go out.. reluctantly.. I agreed.. (even though I have Harry Potter on MTV screen that night..
so i cooked up my soup and brought it over to ashraf's..
the 3 of us just hang there.. me enjoying my soup.. and the guys playing guitar and at the same time feeling disgusted over my icky looking soup.. (which does not look icky by-the-way) .. its only the lighting and the fact that its brownish in colour.. doesn't make it look icky.. well it sure doesn't taste icky though.. thats for sure.. so./ ignore the yappy-doodle and just ate my soup..
10 minutes later.. ashraf's mom pull out of the driveway.. and along came his uncle and form 4 cousin! AAARRRGGGHHH!! I'm in my jammies for god's sake.. the uncle came up to us and was like.. "class guitar ker?".. we were all just putting on our sweet smile masks.. and seeing me being the only girl.. and the only one with a spoonfull of soup in my hand.. asked me "what is that!?".. I was just smiling and politely saying 'some sort of soup!" -being nicey and all next-door-girl type.. is hard.. (even though literally, I am the next door girl)- ARRGGHHH!! BITE ME!
so basically we just hung out that nite.. the uncle made a few visits outside.. asking us about guitars and insisting me on playing a P. Ramlee song! heylo! as much as I love to do that.. I just don't know how to.. I barely made it through "My Immortal".. and as I return what was left of my szechuan soup dinner.. I came back to ashraf's and hung out with the addition of his cousin.. (cute but nah..........)
and when I thought that was that.. I recently met up with his uncle again.. when he picked us up from tuisyen class.. he had to remind me of the soup! I was just smiling again.. his uncle made attempts to talk to me and made funny jokes.. and being the nice person I am (with grown ups) I laughed.. some of them were pretty funny though..
and 2 days ago.. me, ashraf and shahir went on our daily basis walk around the padang.. and ashraf's mom came to the padang to talk to ashraf.. and who else is better to be there than his 'joke man uncle'.. the minute I saw the uncle.. my feet just went jello.. (do I have to go to them? yeah DUH!) so ashraf's mom made him go have lunch at 6 o'clock.. the mom was insisting on taking us to the mamak store "asam pedas' near there.. and the uncle.. suggested I take him for a round of SOUP!! ARGH!!!!!!!!!! whats with the uncle and soups.. or in this case.. MY soup.. pirsh!!! weird... I'm starting to get creeped out by this person..
and tonite.. we hung out outside again.. and his uncle and mom came back from buying dinner.. both of them came up to me and commented on my 'WHOA LOOK AT THAT GIRL' hair.. I'm telling you.. Its starting to get to me.. just leave my hair ALONE!! and then.. guess what the uncle did! He invited me to dinner.. WHOA!!! I mean.. what the heck.. its nice and all.. but dinner.. I'm starting to think he's planning on my engagement with ashraf already!! puh-lease.. I sweetly declined and my body just went up to chills when he went in the house.. both of the guys teased that the uncle 'likes' me.. EEWWW!!! the uncle is not bad.. and I don't hate him.. he's not the type yg.. "HEY LOOK.. TEENGAE GIRL!" kinda type.. just the fact that.. he's been obsessed with all this.. and my soup! argh!!...
from the mind to the fingers of Farisa Roslan | 2:12 am
whats with the whole 'HEY LOOK! TEENAGE GIRL!' thing? It's kinda yucky you know when you think about it. I mean he is MARRIED. Anyway, I think he is a bit fond of you, isn't he? Trying to get your attention about the soup thing...asking you out - for dinner but you get what i mean....and what else? i think he do likes you! nudge nudge! OOOUUH!! hahahhahahaah or maybe he is planning for your marriage with ashraf. Oh cmon, it aint that bad right? Besides you know him for so long! And if that ever happens, I wanna be your pengapit!
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