LAST week of CUTI!!
Listening to : Omar Khan – Baby (and the sound of that crappy wrestling show) Mood : not so bad! Current status : frustrated by my brother! Wow!! It seems like forever that I haven’t write in this little pinky winky blog of mine! Joy and laughter for everyone! Alright! I don’t remember what happened to me in the last one week (or is it 2? Gee.. now I’m confused) Anyway, let me just highlight the highlight-eds!! 18th – GOSH! I haven’t even had time to get the idea of our anniversary sink into my head. I mean, I was thinking about it and all of course but never actually done anything that whole time we’re in school. Why? Coz the f***ing Gerak Gempur is on and it’s the f***ing Science and I haven’t f***ing study! (Gosh that felt good!) Yeah so the whole time at school I could only think about (3rd planet from the sun = EARTH!!) Only after school that we actually ‘celebrated’. Shahrul came over to my house and Imran (particularly) liked him there. He was being all manja-ish with Shahrul. F-R-E-A-K-Y! FREAK-Y! We just spent about 2 hours talking. Yes talking. With the freaking KH paper the next day but who the hell cares! Well, I did. After that! But nope. I couldn’t get those info-s in my head. Basically kept thinking of that day. So what the heck! I ended up waking up at 2 am to read KH. And I only covered from 2! Yay! It was kinda ok to study in the middle of the morning but eventually by 5 my eyes got so heavy I couldn’t even think! Maybe 20 minutes of sleep wouldn’t hurt right!? Nope. Doesn’t hurt. Only if that 20 minutes turns out to be an HOUR!! Bite bite bite me!! I woked up at 6 something and by then I already had to get ready for school. Joy! Lucky KH is after rehat. So I had a few hours to CR-AM! CRAM! My form 3! Way to go brainhead! 19th – Brilliant! My plan worked! Along ur the best! My cous helped me sneak past my mom to go to Subang Parade with Shahrul, Miza and Fandi. It was a fun day all and all! We had Sushi! What could be more fun than raw eel, cold rice and Wasabe eyh? Hahahaha! I enjoyed my time there but mostly we were busy finidng my cousin’s present. I felt guilty to drag Shahrul along this! He looked so bored and I was being all ‘WHAT THE HECK DOES SHE LIKE!!’ Sorry Shahrul!! 20th – Ok! Ok! Again I have said this once and HECK am I going to say it AGAIN!! TRUST MY FREAKING INSTICNT!! Owh yeah! I didn’t feel the idea of going to Syed after school that day was such a good idea. But I guess not being able to see Shahrul for about a week conquers the whole am-I-sure-I-wanna-go-through-this feeling. So me and Miza went to meet the boys (guys) there. We just sat there and talk but I kinda felt like it wasn’t such a good day. The CRAP! ‘Bad thing is gonna happen’ feeling again. FUCK THEM!! Well. Like I said. When it comes. IT COMES!! And in this case. The phone call came! Who you ask? Put M-O-M together! Why she call you ask? Put A-S-S and B-R-O-T-H-E-R together! Yeap! My brother had to go to his friends house even though he promised my mom he wouldn’t! And she called my phone to check up on my brother. And what would I say!? I’M NOT HOME!! I DON’T KNOW!! So I said I was at Miza’s house. And SHE WENT BERSERK!! ‘Kenapa pergi tak bagitau mama!? Mama nih kedekut ke? Bukannya mama tak kasi pergi! Bagitau je lar! I marah your adik sebab pergi rumah kawan and it goes for you too! You’re grounded until the end of the year!! I’m really dissapointed!’ Yeap! She said it! The D word! The whole time on the way I kept thinking about my freedom! Now what about it again!? OWH YEAH! ITS GONE!!! Shahrul kept saying sorry for ajak-ing me BUT ITS NOT YOUR FAULT SHAHRUL! I’m the one who didn’t tell her! Sigh.. On the way balik I saw her car at homeand she said she was going to pick me up form the jambatan! Shahrul can’t even send me home! I hate that! We didn’t say goodbye. I just pushed him in the other direction. I’M SORRY AGAIN!! At home, nasib baik ma keluar ngan Ayong so I had an opportunity to talk to Shahrul! We talked pretty long. It was a pretty good conversation we had. Two days later I didn’t get to see him. Make it 3. So we only connected through internet and my trust-y phone. And now its Tuesday and we met at Kelas Tambahan. Tapi sekejap jer. We didn’t even talk much. Then (again) we sneaked to Syed (I’m beginning to think those mamak bangla who works there already recognize me, Shahrul, Fandi and Miza, serious!) Its not exactly ‘sneaking;. I mean mom knew I was going out with friends but I kept being all concious of my surroundings because I thought mom could jump out of the car anytime. Seriously, I don’t know why I was so scared about mom finding out coz she knew about Shaharul and all cool with it. But I guess it’s the guilt inside. And so my moody-ness cost Shahrul his fun time. AGAIN SORRY!! Owh well. We did get to talk on the phone so that’s good! - ‘So how’s Shahrul?’ ‘Gg! He’s in front of you!’ HAHAHAHAH!!
from the mind to the fingers of Farisa Roslan | 4:01 pm
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