Saturday, July 31, 2004

life as a GAME!

listening to : myself think!
mood : happy happy song!
current status : just.. thinking..

its either I'm running out of games to play.. I am too 'glued' to my phone.. I just wanna waste my batteries.. or that I really do enjoy playing Snakes 2..

serious! I've been playing it like 2/7

24/7 means you do sumthing 24 hours in 7 days!
2/7 means you do sumthing 2 hours in 7 days!

hahahah! thats byk right! hahahha!

ok.. so my score now is like 2987! sikit lagi nak 3000! I guess thats why I've been more addicted to it.. I WANNA BREAK MY RECORD!!

but you know what I have discovered? I've discovered how much the game.. is like life itself! really!

ok! lets play 'kaitkan these things'.. think about it..

the snake - us!
the makanan - our goals in life!
the extra food - what we want!

at the beginning of the game, you start out.. free.. independant! you can go whatever course you want! you can go up and down.. go though the wall! I guess thats how you are when you're a kid! free! you can run around! caring about nothing! coz you know.. that there will always be someone to catch you when you fall.. and all you have to do it! enjoy your life as a kid! collecting your goals in life.. and by that age.. its only to be loved always! and its really easy to get what you want! because there are not many rintangan!

when the snake get longer.. we get older.. as a teenager! our life is harder.. our path is more narrow.. and there are uncertainty about the path that we will choose.. our choices are less.. and we have to jaga where we step into! jaga everything! and by now.. what we want! is not as easy to get as it was when we were little! as a teenager.. not getting what we want just.. sucks! since we're so use to it.. but we have to know.. that getting what we want.. cannot matter to you as much! as what we really have to go for! is our goals!

now you're all grown up.. you have chosen your path.. and all you can do is.. go trhough the same path.. on every round.. because you have to jaga to stay alive.. you're too long by then.. and what you want! you only get it if your lucky! if it comes in near you! but all you have to go for.. is you goals.. its what you have go for! what you live for by then! you'd be doing the same thing.. going through the same path you ahve chosen when you were a teenager.. and stick with it.. coz if you don't.. you'd bid your last goodbye!

when u think you're old enough and can't stay longer.. that your path is getting harder.. and you're getting older (longer), you feel like, you can't fight for more.. and then you'll fall! its


poeple might not agree with me! but this is what I think about life its a challenge! you are who you are.. what you go for is your goals! and you'll only get what you want! when you have the chance! you can't get what you want everytime you wish for it! life is not like that!

Life is just A GAME!

shahrul! this was what I was thinking of when you asked me what I was thinking..

- you go for what you need! and you get what you want when you can!

from the mind to the fingers of Farisa Roslan | 12:05 am


Anonymous Anonymous said...


anyway! i forgot to tell you my new blg address lah! I have been updated my blog dah lama dah -its just that u surfed at my old one. so here goes:

ok? good. if anybody wanna check it out, pegilah. but be warned, its BORING!!


4:09 pm, July 31, 2004  

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