Monday, November 08, 2004

the FARISA-S!!

listening to : empty apartment - yellowcard (thinking of shahrul)
mood : not so bad
current status : annoyed by frizzy hair and problem with blog

this is freaky. I have twins!!!

Reading hamiza's latest post about how she met a guy who supposingly be Shaen's twin. And now thinking about it. I actually have twins too!!!! And noted, I said TWIN-S!!!!

I have a twin brother. Now you all know!

Thats us! We don't look alike la.. What are you guys thinking. Isn't it freaky that my twin brother happens to be my loving boyfriend. Owh well. I don't agree that we look alike. Not at all. OKay the whole eyebrows bazaaro but still!!! But everyone's first guess of the picture of the kid with the powder all over the face, was me!! Which is so wrong! Thats Shahrul. WE DON'T LOOK ALIKE!!

But it is good somehow. Coz for anyone who doesn't know, he can pass as my brother. Our one to one dates won't look so, sinful. Or whatever! But still, lend me your eyes would you guys. I just don't see it. And even the year book's commitee thought he was my twin. Like what the!



And my other twin, happens to be Shahrul's niece. I haven't seen her yet. I would get her picture someday later. But he said that his 4 year old niece reminds me of him. Thats kinda cool. She's 4 years old! Imagine her with straight hair, two ponytails at the side and side parted front hair, posing exactly as I did when I was 4. I'd be laughing if she did look exactly like me!! At least now she can know how she'd look in the future. Giggles.

But still. How ironic is it? Same chubby cheeks, a pair of big eyes, curly hair and thick brows. Whoa. Its almost freaky. I mean, I've always wanted to see someone who looks like me, but never actually, want to see them! Is that bazaar!? Well, all I know is, I'd like to see her. It'll be funner to met her and hang out with her. I am pretty good with kids. Seh'll love me and I'll love her!! Just think, I'm looking down and playing with.. ME!!! just 10 years younger. It'll be re-living my childhood. COOL!!

So I found my look alikes. Time to search for my name alikes. I went to Yahoo and searched for my name. And apprently. Theres a lot of me in the world. Lots of Farisa-s.

OMar Farisa
This is way freaky! I don't really understand this page as it was not english. But WHOA!! Omar Farisa just don't fit!!
: she is the most decent Farisa I've came across after 5 pages. read her profile.
Farisa. Call me Siti and I'll murder you. Bursting her head at Nanyang Junior College. Singapore. Turns 19 on the 27th October. Emotional. Animal Lover. Has 3 beautiful cats. Thinks of Arsyad everyday. Contented with life. has been running since May 2004.
how freaky is it that her b'day is also on the 27th. Plus, she knows a Farhana!! Giggles. She can well be said the closest Farisa to me. she likes cats though. shiver. And she like spongebob, fairly odd parents and PINK!!! she sound real cool. Kinda pretty too!

Tim Yang's Geek Blog
I was once again reminded by Farisa who sells bus tickets in Cherating that I am the only local who is allowed to stay at the Mata Hari chalets.
: its not a Farisa's blog but theres a Farisa who sells bus tickets!! GOD!!

never thot i would befriend someone like you, a snob. haha, no, i never have any intention to bitch about u. i think u're such a great friend, and despite ur snobby looks (am i being too honest?), u have a great attitude and such a smart brain. thanks for always make me wrong in my cynical judgemental skill. i most definitely love having u around.
: describes the friend pretty well eyh? I haven't gone to her blog yet. not sure if she has one.

Came across Atikah's page saying that she was looking at me indicating me as the Harry potter fan friend. And Hamiza's page saying thank you for being there for her.

An Indonesian Farisa
: I don't get her writing. She writes in Malay. I mean of course I do but her INdonesian accent is thick.

Its also interesting to find out that I am also a painting, an instrument and a pholosophy.


Owh well. At least I have a little credit in Miza's and Atikah's blogs. GAH!!!!

Interesting to know theres another you somewhere out there eyh. And you thought the world was small, concentrating on the place you are, when theres SO MUCH more out there. And just when you thought you were unique, BAM they prove you wrong!!

I'm likeky the Farisa that I came across.

- "I'm Farisa! No I'm Farisa! I'm the Farisa! I'M THE ONLY FARISA I KNOW!!!" STOP WITH THE FARISAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

from the mind to the fingers of Farisa Roslan | 11:24 pm


Blogger atikah said...

Your dates were sinful?! Sinful?! OoOooO!! hahahaha. Yeah, you guys look like brothers and sisters and I said that even before you guys got together.

1:04 pm, November 09, 2004  
Blogger FarisaRoslan said...

MY GOD!! Now that I read again this post, thres a lot of spellings and grammars mistake and GOD!!! Its doesn't make sense reading. I mean I know what I meant, but putting myself in the shoes of a stranger, they'd think its stupid. the way I write I mean. Thats it!! No more!!

8:05 am, November 12, 2004  

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