Saturday, October 08, 2005

seven THINGS

Miza did this.

Seven things I plan to do before I die

1. Have children of my own
2. Tunaikan my haji
3. Write a best seller and turn it into a movie
4. Go to England
5. Get my first official kiss
6. Perform on stage an official song in an official band
7. Make a family recipe book and descend it

Seven things I could do

1. Be a good friend
2. Be someone you can hate
3. Mess my room so bad
4. Have it REALLY clean the week after
5. Cry without any reason
6. Write my own songs
7. Daydream all the things I want when I want

Seven celebrity crushes

1. Daniel Radcliffe
2. Ryan Keys(Yellowcard leadsinger)
3. Adam Levine
4. The guy who played Shakespear in "Shakespear In Love"
5. Oliver James
6. Benjamin McKenzie
7. John Cusack

Seven often repeated words

1. Right..
2. Whatever
3. Alargh..
4. Ahar..
5. Please lar
6. Huh?
7. Hahaha

- what are your seven things?

from the mind to the fingers of Farisa Roslan | 12:09 am


Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. Daniel Radcliffe
2. Ryan Keys(Yellowcard leadsinger)
3. Adam Levine
4. The guy who played Shakespear in "Shakespear In Love"
5. Oliver James
6. Benjamin McKenzie
7. John Cusack

Miza's opinion..
1. okla, not bad
2. Eww..
3. Not my type but can be cute
4. Tak pernah watch the movie
6. Who?
7. Mmm..tak kenal jugak. :P

9:56 pm, October 09, 2005  
Blogger FarisaRoslan said...

A) Ryan Keys can totally be cute
B) I can't believe you call yourself an
OC fan and don't know the HOT Ben
Mckenzie is Ryan
is the dude who played America'[s
Sweetheart with Cat. Zeta Jones. Dude
a total hotness like that cannot not
be known!

5:36 am, October 10, 2005  

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