Thursday, November 18, 2004

2 days to RAYA!!

listening to : anthem of our dying day - story of the year
mood : good
current status : jumping up and down to the song

So we had the whole Hari Raya Tradition. It was pretty good. I had fun. Let me just get on with my story.

Mama made sure I woke up early on Friday so that we could get everything ready! Ayong (my sister) and I being ourselves only planted ourself infront of the tv and computer. Thank God Mama had to go he office that morning. There won't be nagging done.

I got my bag all ready, but in doing do, playing the computer. I got my toothbrush, put it in my bag, and played the computer. And after a few minutes or so, I'd get up to get my shampoo and conditioner, and put it in my bag, the back to the computer before I get up to get my brush. It was slow!

But in the end I got everything ready. Eventually.

Abah didn't need to go to work that day so he was happily playing PS2 downstairs. And I realize that I haven't post my Card Raya-s yet so I invited Abah to Carrefour as I still need the stamps. We were suppose to leave to Carefour at 10 but I got a little late.

When we got there, Abah waited with me in line at the post office. Seeing how much Cards I had to post, Abah helped me stamp-ed them. Then Abah went inside the supermarket to the CD racks, and I rushed 2 floors down to buy batteries and snacks. (though we were fasting then)

The line was unbelievable. I was ready to kill the person in fornt of me just so I could go infront quickly. And we had to be back my 11 as that's when Mama said she'd be back. And she told us she'd want to go ASAP!!!

After I got past the line, I rushed upstairs to where dad was. He picked out 2 CD-s to buy so we lined up to pay. There was this freak who was paying for foods at the uppest floor and in the only 10 items or less section. He had a whole cart of food in there. It so wasn't only 10 and its food!!! I mean, get some sense and go pay downstairs, where the food floor is. Or at least get your ass away from the less then 10 items line. And the fact that the cashier was SLOW didn't help either. We ended up spending 30 minutes just waiting for the guy to finish his shopping. And there was still a few other people ahead of us. And worse, it was already 11.


Actually, she wouldn't really mind much to the fact that we both went out to Carrefour, but I wanted to get back before mom so I could do my hair.

Owh by the way, for those who don't know yet.

I HAVE BANGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(don't kill me just yet, look at it first!)

So maybe most of you wouldn't agree with this new hair of mine, but like I said, I need to do it. Besides, how could you guys think the old messed up hair of mine, pretty? or even unique? Its ugly!!

Mama said that she didn't want to bring me to the saloon. (she changed her mind) so she said she'd just buy me a hair straightener. I didn't agree much on this (not the buying the straightener part, but the not going to the slaoon part) but I'd settle with what I can get.

So when I got back from Carrefour, both Abah and I mumbling about the guy who didn't follow the rules on the way back, luckily Mama hasn't got back yet. So I just stuffed my batteries n the bag and went to my room to do my hair. Ayong and I was experimenting with the hair starightener. Though I've used Hamiza's before, we'd still need to figure things out.

Take note : My front extremely curly hair is actually long enough to be bangs when its straightened.

We tried the hair straighetener out but it wasn't straightening my hair. It was hot enough but something went wrong. It did work but my hair wasn't straight enough. Ayong and I eventually gave up as Mama was already home by then. So I decided to just take out my hair dryer and repair my front hair. And it looked like bangs when I beautified it.

The car trip was so unconfrotable. I had to sit in the middle as Kakak (my maid) and Ayong would be there too and its already a fixed rule that the youngest has to sit in the middle (at least it is for my family) and that sucks!!

2 freaking hours of uncomfortable-ness. And after about an hour in the car, Mama woked me up to tell me that we left 2 of my raya pants at the tailors as we were getting them cut. You couldn't imagine the tantrum that I threw in the car. It totally ruined my Raya mood. AND THERES 2 OF THEM!!!!!!!!!!

I forced myself to forget about the pants when we reached there. Everybody commented on my bangs but I only smiled. I put on a happy face when I got there. I was pretty excited to see them. I miss them much.

Ayah (my uncle) and Ibu (my aunt) was going to go to Ipoh Parade at the time when I reached there, with Amy (my cousin, their daughter) and they invited me. After I salam-ed everybody I hopped in the car and of we went to Ipoh Parade. The car ride was pretty fun. Ayah on-ed the radio out loud and the four of us was singing out the song accompaying Aerosmith on the radio. We sang on the top of our lungs whilst Ayah mumbling the rest of the song as he didn't exactly know the lyrics. It was hilarious.

We got to Parkson and looked for Ayah's orange shirt. He was going on a striking Gala! Only looking for striking colour shirts. After that, Ibu, Amy and I went to the ladies section to find stuff for our own. We went to Nicole and Ibu, Amy and I went on a clothes frenzie. We didn't even pick out the pants. We just grabbed a handful of clothes and went to the changing rooms to try them out.

Whats weird with me is that, I didn't choose the typical blouses or shirts. What I brought in the dressing room was a very very cute summer dress. Its got flower patterns on it, very summer like, and it sleeveless, only 2 straps, and its short, higher than my knees short. And that was what that attracts me. And not only that, I also saw this very very very cute balck and white checkered skirt. Very short too. And near it is a matching white top. It was exactly like the top I got for my Raya only that I got a black one.

Amy and I shared a changing room together. Amy picked out about 5 different tops to try on. She ended up getting 4 of them. She didn't get the other one of them on account that I got it already though it was in different colour. But I looked GREAT in those clothes that I chose to try on. I swear if I had the money, or even allowed to wear those, I would totally buy them there and then!!!! And I don't swear often!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Its as if they were meant to be for me. I looked good in it and its just Perfect. Capital P. It was such a waste that I couldn't get them. Along suggested for me to buy the summer skirt and wear a shirt inside it so it won't be too revealing. Plus add pants under it, or maybe wear it overseas. And influenced as I always get, I was actually ready to do just that, but then it was embarrassing to ask Ayah to pay for those since its only a "teenage girl like me 's" fantasy. So I decided to just come back with Mama, makes it easier to plead her.

I ended up with an orange t shirt that I instantly fell in love with. Love at first sight I might say. Giggles. And Along and Ibu ended up getting 6 pairs for their own. They're pretty loaded. After that all 4 of us went around the mall to find Aida's (my 8 year ols cousin) her birthday present. She doesn't have any particular interest so it was pretty hard to find her something. We ended up buying her an alarm clock. Pretty stupid present for an 8 years old I could say but its a present from them not me, so I'll just shut up.

Besides, Ayah was already complaining about going home. So we just settled for what we can get.

It was already late when we got back. So I had to rush for my prayers before I break fast-ed. Whilst all of us were busy, hustling and bustling while we were eating, my granpa told my cousin Amy that one of his granchildren were missing. He loves to tease me so I thought it was just another one of those. But later that night, he came to me and he told me that I didn't care about him to the fact that I didn't salam him yet. I was stunned. I was trying to recall to that fact but he walked away from me. I got mad. When I reached kg, Atuk wasn't there so I didn't get to salam him, then I went out with Ayah and when I got back, I had to pray then breakfast. I didn't realize that I haven't salam him so I can't entirely be blamed right? Whatever it is, I got into a bad mood.

I spent the rest of the night playing Monopoly with my other cousin, Tikah. (just another Atikah)

- though I don't have the perfect legs, but those skirts looked PERFECT on me.

from the mind to the fingers of Farisa Roslan | 10:28 am


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