Wednesday, December 29, 2004

nervous NUMBER

listening to : myself think
mood : not so good
current status : nervous

THIS. IS. IT. today is the day that we have been waiting for and yet we don't want it to come. does that make sense? PMR results day!? scared am I?! HELL YEAH!!!

I didn't wanna get out of bed today though. I know it is not gonna be pretty. Somewhat I can imagine myself without those 8As. Yishk!

Ok so I didn't dream anything about PMR last night. Like how I thought I would. I actually dreamnt that I was driving a car at the round-about and I hit many cars and crashed but not one scratch was found. weird.

I'm currently in a state where I JUST DON'T GIVE A DAMN!! I mean I know I'm to expect this result of mine but like I said. I JUST DON'T GIVE A DAMN ABOUT IT! I was actually playing some feel good songs from Hamiza and dancing like mad to it. Dancing in the Moonlight. Get Busy. It was fun and it was hot and sweaty. Ahahahah. But I enjoyed myself.

I forgot about PMR results.

I know that in a few hours I won't be thinking the same thing but enjoy it while it lasts I always say. Now writing back about it, I'm NERVOUS. Ok I know I know. GET BUSY!!!!

I'm to get back to my songs now. I need Beyonce's Crazy In Love. SEND TO ME!!! Its such a perfect dancing song!

Hamiza and SHameen is to come in about an hour and a half. And I still need to eat lunch. Smells nice really. And besides, the Apprantice last episode will be on soon. My lunch movie.

Thats right I have a lunch movie. or a lunch book. Anyone care to know what it is!? It means that its something I do while I eat my lunch. I have this thing with my meals. Is that if I don't share it with anyone, I'd HAVE to do something else. Even if it means only listening to radio. Or reading papers for God's sake. But thats only if I'm too desperate.

Ok. Gotta go GET BUSY now before I slave myself to school for THE BIG O!

- shake that BOOTY!!

from the mind to the fingers of Farisa Roslan | 11:00 am


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