say you'll STAY!
this is actualy my 3rd song but I refuses to put this up in my blog as I didn't wnana ruin the surprise for Atikah and Tasnim as this is the song I wrote it as a goodbye song for them. But since they're not anywhere else, but still here, I decided to just post it up! So here goes..
Say You'll Stay
La.. la.. la.. la.. [2]
You wave goodbye
I don't know why
You hwve to go
Say it isn't so
You've taken away
A part of me
You leave me here
Alone in fear
But I know you'll be back
We'll have to keep track
And I say goodbye
I know it'll be fine
Just say goodbye
But keep me in mind
And one day we'll find
I close my eyes
Thinking of you
Thinking of all
The things we've been through
I cried myself
To sleep every night
I bare the times
We had those fights
But I know you'll be back
We'll have to keep track
And I say goodbye
I know it'll be fine
Just say goodbye
BUt kee me in mind
And one day we'll find
But now you're gone
But now you're gone
But now you're gone
Away from me
But I know you'll be back
We'll ahve to kee track
And I say goodbye
I know it'll be fine
Just say goodbye
Just keep me in mind
And one day we'll find
La.. la.. la.. la.. [x2]
But I'll know you'll be back
We'll have to keep track
But I'm gonna miss you
- But whats the point of the song now?!
from the mind to the fingers of Farisa Roslan | 7:56 pm
i feel so loved!! hahahahah! thanks mate. yeah... there's no point much anymore.
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