Sunday, March 13, 2005

plans to SUPPOSINGLY work

listening to : save tonight - eagle eyed cherry
mood : okay
current status : soaring throat

doesn't it suck when you think you've defeated this superly evil villain only to have it come back for revenge on you? well it does. and it's come for me. who you may ask!?


I swear there is no way of killing this person. You might run away for him but he'll return. And its effecting me a lot. Its the holidays for God sakes. I should be putting on my short skirt, funky make up and go out dancing in the club, making out till 3 in the morning. Instead, I am stuck in my messy room, staring at blank space wondering why the hell am I still in my jammies.

give mercy on me. I seriously have nothing to do. OK pause. Despite my homeworks, my art project, my drums practises, the decorations for the pengakap board and the cleaning up of my messy room, I have nothing to do!

So here I am, sitting in front of my computer, and even so, I have nothing to do. Its ever so seldom that I update my blog anymore, looking for guitar tabs of no songs in particular, and somehow looking at pictures of Hilary and Daniel are just not so thrilling anymore. So what am I to do!?

Well at least I've got my holidays planned. Starting of tomorrow, I'm to enroll myself in this Multemedia Training course. It teaches different bunch of stuff that you can do with your computer. Example:

OS Analysis and File Management : Well, my guess is they teach you how to manage your file, read those computer like documents and how to programme stuff.

Multemedia Application : I'm not sure what this is but it sounds so official and smart!

Video and Audio Editing : The main thing that I am SO LOOKING FORWARD TO!! Imagine, I can edit my own video and edit them, and making songs while putting other sounds in the background!!. Being able to do my own trailers and all those hoopla!! OMG!!! BEST NYA!!

Flash Presentation : Shaen's blog won't be the only one that can have flash in it. Mines will to later!! It tecahes you how to do graphic-y stuff and make its looks cool.

Desktop Publishing : My ambition. According to my dad this one teaches you how to make your own magazine and brouchers!!

Web Design : Well, they'd teach you how to design your own website.

ENOUGH SAID!! This course is a big part in my future. Exagurating I could be, but it helps! I'm so excited!! BUt the problem is, I might not able to join this course. Why!? Coz I haven't registered. The deadline was on wednesday, but I had no idea about it till Friday which is, as you know, too late. I did called the person in charge, but turns out, he was not in charge. He told me to make an appearance on the first session and consult the tutor in charge.

So I am only crossing my fingers for luck that the tutor allows me to join his course, as said that the course is limited. I'm just so nervous right now. I really hope I could enroll myself in this program! Or else there goes my holidays.

I mean, there goes my plan for the holidays making my holidays plan-less, making Doctor Boredom take over me even more. So my friends, I would just like to say.. PLEASE PRAY FOR ME THAT I CAN JOIN THIS THING!!!! I'll remember you when I am a world famous graphic designer..



While waiting for tomorrow, all I am doing now is eloping myself to the computer. Looking for tabs, and writing blogs. I just made a desicion to go jamming later on. Stranded by Plumb. One of my all time favourite. If any of you has access to the drum tabs of the song, contact me A.S.A.P.

Besides that, I am just lazing around. I'm to do my homework soon. And my mind is filled with different different sounds to put together to form a song, but my body is just not allowing me to do so. ITS JUST SO FREAKING LAZY!!

The words of INdera Shafiq telling me that the mid year exam is coming in 2 months and that I should prepare from now. Prepare I will.. But I'm not counting on it. And my drums practises. OWH CRAP!! TOO MUCH TO DO!!

And I thought of catching up on my watching 'Harry POtter again' tradition. Have been neglecting it. And now that I've gotten my short skirt, it fits perfectly to with my Hogwarts school uniform.

Remember my cousin and I had a phase when we were putting on make-up and hooplas?! Well the make ups are still there untouched, so I'm gonna give them a job worth their purpose.

And since my sister is away for a few days, I'm gonna play a little dress up and make up and trash my whole room, and have it cleaned up again when she comes back. That way, she has no idea I've set a tidal wave in her room while she's gone. FOOL PROOF!! Now to get pass my mom!!

Hamiza invited me to accompany her to cut her hair. Well I'd love to but I couldn't. INstead, I feel as if I NEED A NEW LOOK for myself. I'm sick of my usual bushy thick hair!!! And cutting my fringe might not be as good of an idea as I thought it would be. BUt I still like though. No doubt. BUT I NEED CHANGE!!

Diana and Melisa are to come to my house to play guitar. Looking forward to that. There are people coming up to me for help on guitar. I feel so flattered.

Owh btw, attention to my girlfriends, any of you who feels like going for a swim, the sauna, or the gym, call me and we'll set a date. Okaiy!? I want a friend!

So its gonna be a busy week. BUt seriously, I think the only thing I'm gonna success doing are my homework and the course. Seriously. The whole otehr time I'd probably be lacking on my bed with a good book, my guitar and tons of chocolates while staring at my phone with hope that it will ring and Shahrul's voice to be heard, and failed miserably.

Yeap! Its gonna be good!!

- save tonight, and fight the break of dawn, come tomorrow, tomorrow I'll be GONE!!!

from the mind to the fingers of Farisa Roslan | 11:20 pm


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