Saturday, August 06, 2005

fit in my new (old) SKIN. again.

listening to : end of me - marion raven
mood : pish
current status : pish

familiar ain't it!? Yeah I decided to dig back this old skin of mine and use it again. But it don't looks as GREAT as it was back when I used it. Well I just thought is safe.

Ok here's the thing. After experimenting with various kinds of skins, I finally sticked to one skin that lasted quite a long while. The black one with the picture of the deserted street.

Well actually. I loved skin-hunting-blog-changing before. I'd look forward working on the computer just to change em'. God. I find it so extremely 'menyusahkan' now. I mean, you gotta freaking read the whole htmls, knowing where things are and getting them right.

Don't get me wrong. I like reading htmls, but its just.. NYAH!

So ther I go, perfectly fine with my black skin. Until my friends told me they had problems with reading. So I tried to correct it. But with htmls being ass-hole-ic, somehting happened making my blog go haywire.

So then I thought! OK FINE!! Lets just change the whole freaking skin. So I went skin hunting like the old days again. I don't know why, but they just don't make good blogskins anymore.

Or maybe none that meets my expectation. There are a few that met my interest but they're just not good enough.

So then recently I got this FREAKILY WEIRD skin. You gotta type to navigate to the page you wanna see. Quite cool. i like the concept. But sadly, my friends couldn't make their way to the page, and I just coudln't live with not having my comments or tag-board responded.

So I decided to change though the thought of going through the whole thing again disgusts me.

So I settled with this extremely pink skin. And God the thing lasted last than 24 hours. I really don't like it. I mean its good but something about it made it just not good. So now I decided to stick with the first one. Safe.

But it won't be long that I can assure you! It ain't all cun anymore after all the skins I've been through.

I am in the middle of doing ym own skin so there is a possibility that I'll be using that. So just wait fer it. Or wait till I find a new one. Ugrh I hate having this again! I hate not having a skin I can say, FARISA!!

And I hate that all these skins business had prevented me form writing my posts. There were a lot I wanted to say but its so outdated now. IRSH!

- same old skin

from the mind to the fingers of Farisa Roslan | 7:30 pm


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry to say hunny, this is your best skin so far. Your last one was creative but bloody pissy to get around, your black one was just too hard to read. Find one that is simple to get around and yet, compliments your style.

9:41 pm, August 09, 2005  

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