my DEATH wish.. (just in case)
1. I hope that people will read this death wish so they can fulfill it for me
2. Tell Daniel I love him
3. Take good care of shahrul for me
4. Take good care of my Harry POtter collection
5. Open a hair saloon under my name
6. Take care of my family for me
7. Burry all the Harry Potter movie DVD'S for me (original mind you)
8. Keep the world a clean, healthy, peaceful place
9. Kiss Imran and mom for me every night
10. Whoever gets married to SC, has to love him a lot and take care of him REALLY WELL 9or I'll haunt you!)
11. Don't ever forget me
12. Visit me always
13. Don't insult anything I loved
14. Straightened my hair or turn it like Hermione's before tanam-ing me
15. Be more sarcastic
16. Cherish the name Perky Miss Perfect
17. Pass me my exams
18. Get more Harry POtter stuff to add in to my collection
19. Live your life to the fullest coz you'll never know when you'll die
20. Destroy angsty-ness
21. please fulfill this death wish
- heaven is waiting.. god may be calling.. and I'd bid you all goodbye.. (but for now.. I'd very much like to stay!)
from the mind to the fingers of Farisa Roslan | 1:05 am
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