certified WORST day of my 14 years of living
Listening to : Ashlee Simpsons – Giving it All Away Mood : ok. Current Status : berpeluh Hear yee’! Hear yee’! On behalf of Farisa Roslan, I am here to announce that 10th September 2004 is certified the WORST day of her life! Yeap!! It is! Halfway through school I was ready to faint in the middle of the SERIOUSLY HOT padang. Ok Ok! Let me tell you a little story of a 14 year old girl who ‘I think lost a few pounds because she walked around the whole damn school the whole day’.. We begin with the night before… Ok! I was really hungry when I got back from tuisyen coz I was fasting that day. The first thing I got my hands on was the Nasi Goreng kakak made for me that afternoon on account that she didn’t know I was fasting. I spent about 30 minutes just eating. After Mama got back from sending Ajin to tuisyen and to the convenient store to buy Tauge or something, she was preparing the room to put Imran to sleep. Seeing me still eating (and in front of the tv too.. What do you expect!? And Cow at the MOO-vies happened to be showing about A Cinderella Story, of course I will be stuck to the tv screen), and me asking for my sijils that I oh-so-collected through the whole 3 years of being in form school, she got mad! She made me wait for adik to sleep before I can look for it in her room. I doiubt that was such a good idea but who’s the mom here!! So I got into my room and basically stared at blank space! What am I suppose to do? I’m without my sijils to actually do anything. After I made sure Adik is asleep. That’s about 9 pm, I woked Mama up to ask her where she put my sijil and she got mad because I didn’t look for it when Adik was not asleep yet! Like hello! Didn’t I mention that earlier? Well. Again! She’s the mom! So we had to buka lampu and cari dat damn thing! I found it in like 3 minutes so whatever-la-kan. I locked myself in my room to pick these sijils that can be used. And I found out that the only thing I have is my Taek-Won-Do certificates. Damn! And the whole night I spent calling people to ask about my Pengakap Sijil that was lost! Haih.. At the time I need it most! Ling Hui helped me to an alternative for the sijil so I spent that night writing letters. God Help Me! At about 11.30, Mama and the rest of the Mengaji group was downstairs eating dinner. I went down and told Mama I have to get these stuff photostat-ed and I need J forms and her Salary Surat thingy. She went berserk! Mom quote :- ‘KENAPA TAK BAGITAU AWAL-AWAL! DAH PUKUL 11.30 DAH! MANA ADA KEDAI BUKA SEKARANG! NAK CARI SURAT LAGI! AND KENA HANTAR ESOK JUGAK!’ And I thought my aunts could be a great source of help. They were help alright. Help to make you feel worse!! God! I was crying the whole time. And that night I happened to be ‘emotionally hurt’. Haih.. I just sat in my room crying coz I felt so helpless. Mama said that I could delay the time to give that thing if not, forget about going to asrama. And she said it in that ‘I’m dissapointed’ tone.. GOD!! YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I HATE THAT!! I HATE THAT!! I ran to my room and cried and grabbed my jangka lukis. Then Mama came in with the J forms and the Salary Thingy.. And she sort everything out. I felt so relief that time. When I think that everything will be alright. After Abah printed those letters, I had to make a few changes to the thing. I ended up sleeping at about 2.00am. Eyes puffy and stomach grumbling. I woke up early the next day coz I need to meet Ling Hui at school at school by 7.10 to find Cikgu Aziz to sahkan my letters. But too bad he hasn’t come yet. So what I did was walked really really slow to class. My head was hanging and I was looking down. I was sleepy. I got to class and I got ready to meet Cikgu Aziz. All my friends were heading to the surau but I was going the other direction. Shahrul walked me to the bilik guru. He was pretty upset with me because of this thing I did that he didn’t like. Shahrul! I’m not sorry for doing it! But I’m sorry that you’re mad! I got Cikgu Aziz’s pengesahan and stuff. When I got back to class, I rested my head on my table for a while. I didn’t get anough sleep apparently so I was pretty tired. But I had to get my butt up to Agama Class so I called Shahid with my handphone (Yes! I brought it to school and purposely too mind you!),and asked him to help me photostat all these sijils coz he has a photostat machine. So I had to clim the gunung kat belakang Blok Flora to give him the stuffs. Then thinking about my bed, I made my way to Agama Class. I got there and was very tired. Lucky I got an A for my Agama. A fit 75! At least that didn’t worsen my mood. But I wasn’t really paying attention to her discussing the paper for about 5 minutes. God I wished I could’ve layed down on the surau’s floor and golek-golek, maybe catch a nap but there were guys there. Damn! Ustazah added 2 marks for my Agama coz she tertanda salah and stuff. And Shahir was pretty jealous coz I beat him by 2 mark. And his 2 marks to get 75 was pity mark (I think). But still… Izzati and Diana went out to meet Puan Sakinah. I wanted to sleep a rest so I didn’t go with them. I did chat with Ustazah for a while. She’s pretty cool. Then I made my way back to class. It may just be me but I think I was wlaking slower then I did at the starting of the school. And GOD! Its slow. We got our Sains paper today. 2 lowsy B’s.. Haih.. But somehow, I didn’t have any feelings towards the whole thing. Na-Da. I mean, yeah I was upset I didn’t get A but its more a ‘whatever’ than a ‘shit!’.. And that was pretty bad.. But I didn’t have mood for anything really.
- and this not the worst part yet!
from the mind to the fingers of Farisa Roslan | 2:08 am
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