Tuesday, March 15, 2005

EDUBOX multemedia training - day TWO

listening to : my head ringing as the result of Atikah's I Love Eggs movie. It can do things to you!!
mood : im really not sure
current status : head still ringing!

ok let me calm down a little!



today was fun!!!

when I entered, I went to purchase a few cds that stores programs and softwares that we use throughout the whole course. Dad even wanted to buy the Photoshop Beginner's Guide even though the tutor didn't recommend on it. WHATEVER!

So when I settled in front of my computer, the gave out a few sheets of paper. And the first page stated 'WEBSITE DESIGNING' I practically (kind of, look like it, but its not really) jump off my seat. I was so excited. I know I've learned a thing or two about htmls. Ok a whole lot on account I spent about 2 or 3 days reading up on it.

So anyways, so thats what he taught us. How to design your own webpage. From as simple as putting tables, to as advance as putting in cursor trailer. Its so much fun to do it.

cursor trailer : is when you have words trailing after your cursor on the screen.
example: my sentence will be Harry Potter. so if I move my mouse left, the words will trail behind it. understand? its okay!

So the turor already designed a page done. and through the day, we're suppose to do what he does in order to get to the page he created. The page is actually a fan page for Final Fantasy. So he just showed us step by step to get what he got. It's so much fun to know how to put them together and all.

And its fun as he allowed us to put in our own colours, and words and our own craps in there. There was even flash. But he hasn't teach us flash yet. He had already done it for us. All we did was add it in our page.

So after we got our first main page, we had to do the photo gallery. He showed us how to click on an mage thumbnail, and the actual big size picture comes up. ITS REALLY COOL!!! So we had to arrange 15 pictures to fit and make it acessable to the larger version of the image.

I should say I like my Final Fantasy Fan Page. Its looks so official and ready for use. But then again, what is the front page if 19 other computers have it too just in different colours.

So when he taught us enough, we had an assignment. We were assign to design a main page for a site that sells either cars, vegetables, lands, cartoons or animals.

a. cars : I know as much as nothing about them except that there are a form of transportation.
b. vegetables : who would want to go to a site that sells veggies?!
c. lands : I don't do good selling lands
d. cartoons : WHAT ARE THERE TO SELL!?
e animals : I pretty much don't sell what I don't like.

In the end I got stuck with selling vegetables. I lay out-ed my page. It was hell at first. And we've only got 40 minutes to design one whole GRAND page. I thought I was behind everyone as after 10 minutes, I still had NA-DA!! BUt then it came. I just started putting this and that, craps and coops. And VOILA!!

A whole page selling veggies. It looked pretty good seriously. I'm very satisfied with it. It only comes in 2 colours. Black and green. Very simple and yet straight to the point and attractive. I likey!!! If I have the chance I will show it to you guys!!

When its time to leave, we were still allowed to finish as we had extra 20minutes before the other batch comes in. So I tried to finish it. And finish it I did. I'm so proud!!

So that was that, and I went home...

Thats day two...

When all I got back, all I did was find things to do in front of the computer. NO progress on my homework. BLAH!!!

Well I got back my glasses today. Its re-lense, re-polished, and re-shaped the frame. It look much better, and I must look much geekier too. NO WORRIES!!

Anyways, the tutor guy asked us to bring a video cd of a movie, and an mp3 cd tomorrow. I'm guessing we're editing tomorrow!! FUN FUN FUN!!! CAN'T WAIT!!!!

I was thinking of bringing Harry Potter but then my dad said the pirate-d cd is too dark, and that I should picked a brighter movie. So I decided on Bring It On and Tarzan. I'm still bringing my Harry POtter cd though. Don't hurt to try.

And I'm using Hamiza's Happy Days cd she burnt for me! Love yah sweetie!!

So thats done. I'm gonna get a shut eye! And do some editing tomorrow.

- I one day will have a blogskin made by myself.

-- ATIKAH THE EGG SONG IS GETTING TO ME!! ITS SO HAPPY THAT ITS JUST TORCHERING ME!! my favourite line is the wiggle jiggle, yellow middle. AHAHAHAHAH!!!

from the mind to the fingers of Farisa Roslan | 10:12 pm


Blogger atikah said...

I LOVE IT!! My favourite line is 'Come into my tummy! Oh so very yummy!'


7:18 pm, March 18, 2005  

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