Saturday, November 12, 2005

make POVERTY stop

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well, I've been a crazed fan over deviant art now a days and I thought since I ave my own account, and I make my own art {kinda}, I should, you know, be active and put in my artworks and stuff.

It was this moment when I was doing my CURRENT FAVOURTIE SONG which is a new feature in my blog. ahahahaha. I was looking for Natasha Bedingfield's picture so I went to her official website.

well apparently while I was browsing through, I saw a banner of an oragnization.

Make Poverty History.

It was a very simple banner but it attracted me a lot. The word is catchy and it means a lot too.

I'm not like miza. I don't really go up and research about this poverty stuff well mainly because, I'm lazy. Which is why I am hoping miza would do that for me. She loves doing this kind of stuff, and this is one way for us to help with the campaign right?

I'm counting on you MiZa!

Yea so this is as far as I'm going. I made this banner. This is people in Indonesia which is has the biggest rate of poverty. At least amongst the countries I've been to.

I posted this picture in Deviant Art so that people can go see. Image hosted by here is my account.

So I hope you guys would also take this oppurtunity to realize about poverty and make it history. Here is the organization that supports this campaign.

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I myself would perhaps join this campaign. So go on guys, STOP POVERTY!

- ahahahah. I'm not very feeling about this kind of stuff so I don't really have long winded stuff to say about it. Miza help me kay!?

from the mind to the fingers of Farisa Roslan | 1:01 am


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