Saturday, June 12, 2004

SILLY signs

listening to : frankie whoever.. i dunno.. but she has nice song..
mood : okie..
current status : bored

wow! u see.. its kinda weird for me actually.. lemme tell you.. for the pat 2 weeks of the holidays.. I've been seeing a lot of the word SC!

weird or whut!?

today.. I went shopping with my aunt and mom.. and on the way back from KLCC.. (my uncle was driving us!!) I was just starring outside the window.. hands on my chin.. really boring.. then.. out of the WHO-KNOW-WHAT.. a car came past me.. and I saw the letters SC on its plate and was like.. "whoa".. of all the time.. place.. and letters the car could have.. it had to come that time.. that place.. with SC on it..

I'm telling you.. Its weird.. thats not just it.. I'm like.. I saw a lot of those SC thingies trough the whole 2 weeks.. I mean when I saw it for the first and second time.. I went like.. "Ouh.. okay.. u know.. thats kinda cool.. what a coincidence.." and now.. Its just.. weird.. don't you think?

- SC?

from the mind to the fingers of Farisa Roslan | 11:11 pm


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