Wednesday, November 09, 2005

harry POTTER and the goblet of fire PRIMERE tickets

and I scored it baby! woo hoo!!

well it was in the middle of the torturing journey to Kelantan. apparently, my mom couldn't find on the radio and the only ets thing we could settle for was mix fm. most of the channels were some Thailand crap channels.

so apparently, when I heard the mention of Harry potter even though I was so tuning out the radio, I immediately asked my dad to higher the volume. from the radio I could hear something that goes like this...

"In Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, the representative of the Beauxbaton school for the triwizard tournament is Fleur Delacour. Now you guys better keep that in your head because it might just help you win primere tickets to the Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire on the 15th. Also it is bonus hour, so you guys stand a chance to win the exclusive Harry Potter t-shirt."

Of course I got really excited. Without even consulting my parents, I just went, tell me when you hear the cue to call, I'm trying my luck. so when I heard..

"...all you gotta do is be the fifth caller through [the telephone number] and you stand a chance to win...."

I immediately tried my luck. well apparently the bloody phone was enganged. Obviously. So when I heard the caller who actually GOT through, I was like.. BLOODY HELL YOU PERSON. But then I thought, it wasn't my luck, I can try the next cue to call.

Which apparenty was after I reached my grandma's house in Kelantan. So I had ot miss it.

It was the next day when I was cleaning my grandma's house. I got hold of a radio and was playing mix fm the whole morning while cleaning. Just in case the cue to call comes on. I even had my phone fixed to the number. Well so it was no luck, I ended up scoring lots of dust in my hair because I was cleaning the windows.

But my hopes weren't down though.

At one point, my mom told me to plug off the radio because we needed to use the vacuum cleaner. Damn it. And then I thought, thats it, thats the end of my luck. So I just went on with cleaning. Right after we're done, I plugged the radio back on. And 5 seconds after that, the lady was like...

'"...all you gotta do is be the fifth caller through [the telephone number] and you stand a chance to win...."

I freaked. I grabbed my phone, baca bismillah and called.

The phone rang! I mean, it was dialing. I lagilah berdebar. The lady apparently picked up late so I was like.. nyeah.. they're not picking up, I must be 3rd or something! I mean, I have never done this thing before, I didn't know if 3rd caller through would have the phone ringing or what not.

When the lady picked up, I was like.. nyah.. she's probably telling me that I dind't get it. Thats when she asked my name.. I'm like.. ahar... and after that she said..

"congratulations to farisa. she is the 5th caller through"

I practically jumped up and down but my heart was still beating up so fast.

Then she chat with me a bit. She asked me where I was and what I was doing. Then she asked me if I was excited for the holidays. I was like.. keeping cool all the time but inside, I was having butterflies.

then she asked me the question. I kind of freaked because I didn't listen to the answer she gave before the cue to call, like she did with fleur delacour question. But thank god I knew the answer to this question. I mean I have to right. the question was..

"what is the name of the ghost that interupter harry while he is having a bath in the prefect's bathroom?"

they even gave me multiple choices.

"I'm going to go with A. Moaning Myrtle"

and the lady congratulated me. after that she asked me to do something I really didn't expect..

"now I would like you to give me your BEST impersonation of a spell"

they didn't ask this before, I thought. And I was blank. For 3 seconds I couldn't think of anything, until I thought of Wingardium Leviosa. Apparently that was not what came out.

"Petrificus Totalus" was what I blurted out. With my utmost british accent.

Apparently the lady laughed saying that I must be a fan. I agreed. And then she went to speak again on the mike and after that she played a song.

I wasn't sure wether I should hang up or what so I stayed on. Then she took down my particulars.

So apparently, the primere is on the 15th, and I get to watch it even BEFORE ppl in America does. How cool is that!? In your face bloody blondies who loves Daniel too! eheheh.

yeah so it was also bonus hour at my time so I'm getting some cunted Harry POtter cap. Don't know when though. So now I got 4 tickets to go see the movie on the 15th, 9pm at Mid Valley. I really can't wait.

The lady also said that I am in the running to win this replica of the Triwizard-Tournament Cup. And I'm so excited. So I'm guessing my spell impersonation is what thye'll be judging the winner of the cup on. I'm glad I did it right.

When I got off the phone, I practically jumped up and down like crazy. Mom told me I was too calm and I told her I am not going to be like those people who gets too excited on the phone and end up sounding like a freak.

When I heard myself on radio, I thought I sounded like a bloody monkey. My voice we're all.. tak sedap. Ahahahha. But I was excited to hear myself on though.

Syukur Alhamdulillah I got the tickets. I bet its because I wa cleaning the house the whole morning and was doing a good deed and all. Now I'm just waiting for it to be the 15th so I can reunite with the beautiful trio once again!


- angah saja taknak kasitau mama ngan abah its at mid valley. takut you guys tak kasi. heheheh. now too bad you're gonna HAVE to let me go. *makes angelic face*

from the mind to the fingers of Farisa Roslan | 2:51 am


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember when I was younger, my sister told me to call in to vote for Backstreet (hardcore Backstreet fan she is) and it was soo hard to get through that I really thought that I wouldn't. So for like, the 17th time calling in, this guy picked up and was like..hello? I freaked and put down the phone. HHAHAHAH! Stupid gila kan?

Congrats on the tickets! Can I come with you? :D

1:55 pm, November 10, 2005  
Blogger FarisaRoslan said...

OMG! Ahahahhahahha. miza thats freaking hilarious! and yeah we'll see but theres a big possibility.

4:09 pm, November 10, 2005  

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