Saturday, September 18, 2004

understanding of LIFE!

Truthfully, you can never be whole without your dark side. Everyone handles it differently, some people, they write, some talk, some just keep it inside. Some do stupid desicions like cutting themselves just to make them feel better. Albeit, it does make you feel better. It's like leaving a scar outside your body to heal the one inside because you can't feel and see the one inside.

But you got to understand that you can't just do it because you think it's cool or it's fun. That's probaly the most stupid reasons I've ever heard. I've come to accept the fact that I can't do that anymore so I handle it differntly now. I write, I talk. More than I I mean. But one thing we teenagers are allowed to do during the time of our adolences years is to branch out and try new things but they just got to understand that some things that hurt them shouldn't even be tried. Like smoking, or cutting yourself..whatever goes.

And the one thing our parents have to do is to tell us the consequences of what will happen if you do this and this. They can't stop us from doing it but they've got the power to make us see and make us realize. You will know that your parents brough you up right when you understand right from wrong. You may see what your parents are trying to do as if they're controlling you, but they're really not. They're just trying to make you the best person you can be.

copywright : hamiza's blog,

Saturday, September 18, 2004
Realizations and truth

- I just think what she's saying is SO RIGHT!

from the mind to the fingers of Farisa Roslan | 5:37 pm


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