a day FULL of SEXAYNESS!!!
listening to : pudar - rossa
mood : fine
current status : tired.
well I made it. I got through the whole two days with my brothers alone in our house. Can you believe that after almost 3 years of hard work to avoid it, I still end up having to clean my brother's poop.
Yeap. My first time experience. HORRIBLE! trust me. and by the way, babies' poop smells twice as much as normal poop does. So yeah. I almost fainted. But I'm so use to it now. I'm not saying I enjoy it now that I've done it so many times. Or that I still don't feel like puking whenever I do. Just now, I don't cringe. That much.
so anyway, for my reward. I get to go out with my friends. to the movies. for Harr Potter. again.
yeah I know that Ive only watched it 2 days before but you know, its so good I actually looked forward to watching it again. Believe it or not, even after I watched it the first time, I still get all tingly and excited when I watch the trailer. And I looked forward to watching it again as if I have never watched I before.
yeap I love it THAT much.
That morning, I just wasted time. Cleaned the house a bit. Then when its time, I got ready to go.
Miza and her cousin Safuan came first. We were to take a cab from my place. After that Shahrul came and we called the cab. Then we made our way there.
It was really exciting. In my opinion that is. Because we were too early, the cinema hasn't even open yet. So when the door actually opened, I was practically running to the line. I got first of course. Until I found out that I was in the wrong line. Kind of embarrassing though.
When it was our turn, we found out that the tickets I booked yesterday wasn't recorded. I got pretty pissed. That goes the money for the phone bill. I mean seriously, that thing took ages to get done with.
Well lucky enough, we got our tickets. But unfortunately, it was the side line. Again I got pissed.
After that we went to have some snack at A&W before we went into the movie.
The movie was as exciting and triling for me as the first time I watched it. Only when times get a little boring, I paid less attention to it.
It was already 1.30pm when we got out of the movie. Shahrul and Miza's cousin Safuan went for their Friday Prayers at the Masjid in front of the mall. Mw and miza, well.. lets just say we did something ENTIRELY different.
Well miza told me she needs to get somehting from Top Shop. Well I reminded her that we should use that time to perform our praers but no. Miza wants to play dress up instead. And truthfully. I fell for it.
We spotted this adorable mini skirt and dared Miza to try it on. Unfortunately for me, Miza had the same idea. So we both ended up in mini skirts. We took a picture of us too. Its in my phone.
After that we headed for the surau. Then we met up with the boys again. We had lunch at Secret Recipe. Food wasn't that god though. Miza being Miza couldn't resist having a say at the suggestion box. Some of what she wrote wasn't even true. But you can't stop Miza from being.. well.. Miza.
We did get to eat one of the most DELICIOUS chocolate cake invented.
Well after that, we just have NO WHERE to go. Seriously, we were roaming the place not knowing what to do. Well we made a stop at the computer game shop. Found 2 games I was planning on asking ABAH to buy. Then we went to the MPH bookstore. Well, we found this Desperate Housewives book or somehting like that. And they had a test on WHICH DESPEARTE HOUSEWIVE ARE YOU!?
You may HATE her but I am glad I'm her. I can see myself as her. Miza turned out to be Gabrielle Solis. Shahrul claimed that she wasn't honest. She cheats on her partner. AHAHHAHA. You judge.
Then we did the craziest thing. Well Miza dared Shahrul and I to do it.
Okay Miza and I have this crazy idea of how we would want Shahrul to dress. So when we got to Esprit, Miza dared me to pick out somehting for Shahrul, while shahurl pick out osmehting for me to try on. Then we have a look at each other and voila. Happy.
To my luck, Shahrul was wearing a normal t-shirt, so I picked out a normal long sleeved shirt for him and asked him to wear his t-shirt on top of the shirt I picked out. Sort of a.. I'm a cool geek.. kind of look.
And well, he chose a short skirt for me. The good thing is, the short skirt was too big for me, so Miza went to pick out another skirt thats longer than the one he picked, so it was good.
When Shahrul got out of the changing room, I PRACTICALLY MELTED. OMg! Seriously. You know when people say 'soo good I can eat you up?!' well this ain't that. This is somehting more! Makes you wanna jump and him and chew him like a mad dog!! HAHAHAHHAHAHA!!
the point is he looked good.
then we changed and everything and we made another trip to Top Shop. I didn't try on anything this time, was too lazy. Miza put on a dress though. only to brag about her invincible FAT.
Then we went back. So that was my day. Fun and tiring. But the amount of SEXYNESS I got from Shahrul that day, tops it all off!!!
Muahahhaha. Too bad he hates the style and won't wear it again.
Never mind though. I still have Imran.
- Im gonna eat you up! And swallow you down you can't even feel the pain!
from the mind to the fingers of Farisa Roslan | 7:14 pm | 1 Comments