2 days before Finals
ho ho ho!
I am stressed. I start my finals in 2 days and it is stressing me out completely. I have been spending my days here at the study room from morning to, well morning, if you get what I mean. Right at this moment, my head is spinning, my stomach is aching, my back is soaring and my eyes are heavy.
I have spent my respectful Saturday studying maths and I do not feel like I am getting better at it at all. I feel as if I have gone from BAD at maths to REALLY BAD at maths and that stresses me out even more. Plus, knowing that there are not enough time for me to finish studying makes me even more depressed.
It has always been me, Farisa binti Roslan, to procrastinate everything. I often put off my studying until the last minute and it is not as if it has not taken a toll on me before. It had and it still is. But the problem is, I just do not learn from it and still resort to cramming everything at the eleventh hour. I hate it but I feel like I am not able to do anything about it. Except to just make the best of the situation. Hence, not sleep. Equals NOT GOOD.
My lecturer have already explained the whole process on how we will be graded in Ausmat and it is pretty weird I tell you. But it kinds of put me off a bit from studying. Why? Because [I will not really explain the A to Z-ken reason because you guys will not understand anyway] she made it seem like our INTERNAL assessment is not that important and what is important is only our SSABSA final papers. So I kind of, psychologically, told myself that I do not really need to score in my internal. Of course, it is COMPLETELY not true that internal is not important. So like it or not, I shall need to cram and study all the same.
Tomorrow is mother's day. I already have a perfect gift for mom in mind except I have been busy, well, studying that I do not have the time to DO it just yet. Am thinking of giving her an I OWE YOU card first and start making the present after my finals (which is for one week). In the mean time, I'd probably buy her a cake.
I will be finishing my second semester of Ausmat in one week and I am way excited. Will story story more about this later. For now, I gotta go back to Tangents, Integrations and Rate of Change. Urggggh.
By the way, I failed my driving test. Yes. It was at the bukit part. I feel so typical. Not good. :(
- UNBREAK MY HEART! SAY YOU LOVE ME AGAIN!! (been listening to more oldies ;D)
from the mind to the fingers of Farisa Roslan | 8:36 pm | 0 Comments