
Saturday, March 31, 2007

trip to PASAR tani

Pada suatu hari, saya telah ikut mak saya untuk pergi ke pasar Tani. Keadaan di situ sangat riuh rendah. Saya telah mengikuti mak saya ke kedai jual ikan. Mereka jual banyak jenis ikan. Mak saya perkenalkan saya kepada beberapa jenis ikan. Sekarang saya sudah tahu ikan terobok, ikan tenggiri, ikan kembung dan macam-macam lagi.

Kemudian, mak saya telah bawa saya ke kedai ayam. Saya sangat suka makan ayam tetapi rasa takut bila nampak ayam yang belum masak lagi. Sementara berada di sana, saya dapat dengari ramai penjual atau pemborong yang menjerit-jerit memanggil pelanggan untuk datang membeli di kedai mereka. Saya telah pulang dengan banyak jenis ikan, ayam serta beberapa jenis sayur. Saya berasa sangat gembira kerana mak saya telah membawa saya ke pasar.


But we're not in primary school now are we? Still this blog post will be about my experience to Pasar Tani with my mother.

Don't think I'm such a loser because I get excited about going to the Pasar Tani. I don't usually even go to the Pasar Tani. Although this is not my first time. It's just the first time that I was actually excited about going.

My mother promised me that the next time she goes to the market, she will bring me along to teach me the A to Z-ken about going to the market. So when she woke me up at about 7am, I actually got up and get ready to go to the market, voluntarily.

My mother did really teach me from A to Z. She made sure I knew the directions to the Pasar Tani, where to turn and where to park. What to do when in a jam and what NOT to say when you are mad at the ridiculous traffic. :D

When we parked and got out of the car, I was actually tingling inside. I was excited. For one thing, I get to spend time with my mother even though the idea of having fun this time is touching ooey fish and sweating under the sun.

We had a good walk from our parked car to the market but I instantly got excited when I felt the hustle and bustle of people. I felt the atmosphere and felt like I was grown up to be responsible of this kind of thing.

We made our way first to the fish booths. My mother taught me the kinds of fish there are, and the ones we usually buy. The fish were all laid down on a combination of two or three tables and stacked with each other. It really bothered me that they did not properly separate one kind of fish to the next. This is because when my mom quizzed me about the name of that fish, I would usually get me wrong. No one could really blame me. The sizes are the same, they look the same, they are stacked at the same place, for all we know they could be from the same mother fish. (okay that was stupid but STILL!!)

Although now I know which one of my family member likes which kind of fish. I also know how to pick the fresh fish although I was grossed out by the slyminess. I also wonder why people would was their hands in a bucket that is ALREADY dirtied by the ickyness of fish juice. My mom said I was being a drama queen. It was a fun experience though. And the thought about knowing how and what to do, feels really good.

After dealing with the fish, we went to the chicken stall. My mom immediately went and easily ordered what she needed while I was right beside her, queer about what is what and where. I do know though that the insides of a chicken uncooked, looks amazingly disgusting. I got to see the way a chicken gets de-skinned. It was pretty cool to see how something that tastes so good get prepared. I was also lucky to get to see and smell an ayam bersara(or do they call it ayam sara?)
It was in an amazingly untasty colour of yellow. The sight of chicken wings was beautiful though.

Along this line was when I saw a tall cute guy. Don't you think it is incredibly cute that a teenage guy in baggy jeans and a cool t-shirt would wake up that early on a Saturday morning to go to the market with his mother. I thought it was. I did manage to get near to him but he was quite tall so I never could make out how he really looked like. But from the side, he did look very hot. :D

Next we went to shop for the vegetables. I was introduced to many kinds of leaves. My mother taught me how to choose a proper tangkai of petai, which is a watery chili and which is not, as well as the difference between kangkung and paku pakis and the rest of the similar looking green leaves scattered on the tables. My mom also went to a vegetable stall run by a chubby chinese man and I fell in like for him. He was so blur, and cute, and nice, and sangat comel yang nak cubit pipi tuh! AHhahahHAHah.

We went to shop for keladi at one stall and the guy was very nice. He was promoting to us about the goods and the bads about keladi and which one would taste better than the other and why. He was very friendly and he did manage to convince my mom to buy some 8 ketul of corn even though my mom admitted that she did not really know how to make a good jagung rebus. Going to the coconut stall was the opposite though. The guy was so unfriendly, blur and plain arrogant. Plus we were chasing time, so my mom actually had to make her way at the back of the shop to personally speak to the "tukang parut kelapa" himself. Thats the only way we could get what we wanted.

After that we went to buy some "salty fish"? Ikan masin is the common name. The familiar ikan masin stall is at the indian stall. They sell so many little things like onions, garlic, udang kering, ikan masin and stuff like that. And the way they display them is in big stacks in sacks on a table. It was beautiful I thought. I know that is freaky but looking at it all banyak and besar there makes my hand itch to touch it. It is so tempting to just take an udang kering to eat, or grab a piece of ikan masin to smell or pick up a clove of garlic and smell. My mother again felt that I was very weird.

After encountering and dealing with the benda-benda kering, we went to grab some snacks. We went to the infamous Keropok Lekor stall and bought some killer keropok lekor. My mom also went to get some Apam Balik which end up tasting so awesome.

So after I was 10 kilos heavier with the many plastic bags in my hand from fish and chicken, to keropok lekor and kelapa parut. The sun was shining down heavily already and I was already sweating my 2 kilos off just by walking to the car with the heavy load of food. By the time I hit the air-conditioned seat, I was sighing my relief of being away from the hot sun. My mom assumed I was sighing as it the trip was supposedly so difficult for me.

It wasn't at all really. It was a lot of fun. I have been to the market with my mom many times before but all that time I was either complaining, or put my head somewhere else. But this time I really had a fun time. I know this is so unfair of me saying that a trip like this was something eventful, because I bet everyone else follows their mom to the market all the time and I'm the one who's always lazy enough to care. But I mean, when it comes to spending time with my mom, I enjoy it.

On the way back, my mother was quizzing me about a thing or two of what I have learned. It was fun.

- wake wake up on a saturday morning. could be new york, maybe hollywood or the Pasar Tani.

from the mind to the fingers of Farisa Roslan | 4:54 pm | 3 Comments

Monday, March 26, 2007

azfar's BROTHER'S wedding

was simply a flop for me because I did not get to go. :(

- end.

from the mind to the fingers of Farisa Roslan | 7:46 pm | 1 Comments