
Saturday, February 23, 2008


"I never disrespect the way u think"

- seribu satu makna.

from the mind to the fingers of Farisa Roslan | 2:40 am

Friday, February 22, 2008

whats the opposite of insonmia?

I just woke up from a really long nap. A somewhat unplanned nap at that. It is indeed a Friday today but I find that as a pathetic excuse for my recent addiction to sleep. It has been a short day, as all of my Fridays, as classes ended at 12noon. We had our usual Friday lunch at the Cemara cafe before retiring back to our hostels for the much needed weekend rest. Hazra and I have planned to reconstruct our Agama presentation to be more well mannered than it is since we are to present it on Tuesday. Yet, the minute I sat myself for the project, my head grew heavy with the thought of sleep. I succumbed to the monstrous weakness and told Hazra I were to do my part after indulging myself in a 2 hours nap. She agreed.

I was not sure what happened next but I vaguely remember being woken up by Hazra, then I slept again. Then I remember Atiqah waking me up asking me when I will be going back home, I answered groggily and slept again, and also a moment where Hazra came in the room to say goodbye to me as she was ready to go home. Lastly, I was woken up by Atiqah with the question "Sasha, you dah sembahyang Asar ke belum?". I groaned and thought, "Apa Atiqah nih! Baru pukul 3.30pm nak sembahyang Asar apa!?". Although so, I kept that thought to myself and woke up to find that it was already half an hour to 7pm. I gasped and moaned and rushed to the toilet for my Asar prayers. I wouldn't want to miss it like how I missed my Zohor to my ridiculously long nap.

I have had a four hours nap and feel very guilty. I scolded myself for sleeping so much as I promised myself to get at least some homework done by the time Friday ends. And I know how lazy I can get by the time I get back to Subang Jaya. Yet that didn't make me feel as guilty as I did when I thought about the amount of sleep I have already gotten the night before. Observe.

20th February : slept at 3.30am

21st February : woke up at 6.30am
3 hours

: slept at 11.00pm

22nd February : woke up at 6.00am
7 hours

: slept at 2.40pm

: woke up at 6.40pm
4 hours

This would mean that in the course of the past 48 hours, I have slept for at last 14 hours which would make that 30% of my 2 days. That is a somewhat big increase to my usual 18% (9 hours) of usual sleeping hours in 2 days. That would mean I have wasted a rough amount of 12% of my 2 days, which when you respectively divide it to one day, means I have wasted an extra 6% of my day to sleep. To put in terms of hours, I have spent a respectful amount of 1 hour and 44 minutes to my day for sleep as oppose to studying or finishing my homework. So that makes a rough 3 hours and 20 minutes wasted when you combine two days. 3 hours and 20 minutes of extra sleep is NOT what I need here in Intec.

Ahhh. Not only that, I believe that my body functions quite differently than that of a normal person. This is because, whenever I have insufficient sleep, this ranging from 3 hours to 5 hours, my body will (not neccessarily feel fresh) but it will be able to function normally, my brain will still be able to think. But when I get excessive sleep, this ranging from 7 hours to more, I will feel sleepy, tired and lazy. So that is why I never really bothered myself with the thought of sleeping early for the sake of getting enough sleep. My body just do not work that way.

So I bet you when I do get back home tonight, I shall be sleepier and tired-er than I would have been on my normal days. And this because I gotten a lot of rest. Sigh. Ain't life screwy?

- I think my 3 days worth of losing fats to puasa has gone up the drain :(

from the mind to the fingers of Farisa Roslan | 11:51 pm | 1 Comments

Sunday, February 17, 2008

right now and back then.

inspired by miss Munira a.k.a. moon. :)

Television. Used to love television and day soap operas (ie: Bold and Beautiful believe it or not). Now. Don't even watch Tv.

Radio. Not my thing. I download. I listen. Full stop.

Music. Was into girl bands and Hilary Duff. Now. Playlist consists of Independent Bands and Mr. M o n o l o q u e. Still a fan of Hilary Duff though. :D

Magazines. Was an avid reader of tabloids. US tabloids at that. God those wasted money. Could have spent it on some FINE food.

Make up. Not my thing. Never my thing. Don't see the need unless I see an eyeliner lying around. I restrict myself to compact powders.

Baju Kurung. Yeah, used to be the definition of a Kampung Girl. Now I wear it every week. Everyone will just grow out of hating them.

Hanging out in malls. Ahahah. Mall trips used to be so, eventful and anticipated. Where movies and bowling are well planned outings. My lepak place now is at mamak with limau ais.

Emotional. My life was never depressing. I just seemed to like to think so. Oh God. High school.

Confidence. Had a ton of them. Now I have a shit load of them.

Past time. Was having long conversations on the phone and tuning in to reality tv shows. Now I glue myself to the internet, dance myself away to good songs and occasionally read a book.

Food. Was Nando's. Still Nando's.

Mind set. Brothers are a pain and everyone is against me. Now. Brothers are good to bully when you're bored and everyone goes through their own problem and have their own faults for you to judge them.

Home. A place to eat and sleep for free. Now. A getaway. A comfort zone. Relaxation.

Farhana Roslan. Was the exact definition of URGH. Now, a dear friend that never was.

Shahrul Iman. Used to be hot hunky delicious long term boyfriend. Now. A hot hunky friend I occasionally sms.

Sensitivity. Had a lot of them. Still very sensitive.

Level of tolerance with life. Never had them. Now am content with what I have and what I don't.

Myself. Used to think highly of myself. Now. Know my faults, strengths and weaknesses. Love myself.

Life. Used to be high school. Now. College. Maturity. Happy.

- are you the same person now and then? ;D

from the mind to the fingers of Farisa Roslan | 12:11 am | 1 Comments